This month’s Good News from Kevin Hodges Real Estate
I trust things are going well for you since I was last in touch.
There are three great ideas in this issue.
The first idea is on how to ask yourself simple questions that will instantly improve how you feel. These are the morning and evening power questions. Try them for a few days and I know you’ll be delighted how well they work.
The second idea is on how to turn every meal into a pleasurable experience by doing some very simple things.
And the third idea is a great reminder about the importance of good health in our lives.
Let me know what you find most useful.
I’ll be in touch soon with some great ideas soon.
Kind regards

Here is The Good News Report # 4.
PS: If you have any friends or colleagues who may be interested in some helpful ideas on how to manage their investment property more effectively I’d love to give them a free copy of my new guide called “The 7 major mistakes of property investors and how to avoid them”. Just give me the contact details of your friend or colleague and I’ll get a copy of this guide out to them (with my compliments).