More Good News from Kevin Hodges Real Estate
Every month we all have brand new opportunities to create more fun, enjoyment and happiness in our lives.
And that’s why I’ve enclosed The Good News Report # 3.
There are two great topics in this issue:
The first is taking time for the ‘golf balls’ in your life. I love this idea because it is so important to have balance in everything that you do.
The second is how success is often easier than you think. (You just have to look for it.)
Have a great month and I’ll be in touch with some more great ideas very soon.
Kind regards
Kevin Hodges

PS: If you have any friends or colleagues who may be interested in some helpful ideas on how to manage their investment property more effectively I’d love to give them a free copy of my new guide called “The 7 Major Mistakes of Property Investors and How to Avoid Them”. Just give me the contact details of your friend or colleague and I’ll get a copy of this guide out to them with my compliments.
– K