Another month is underway so here is volume 2 of ‘The Good News Report.’
There are two great ideas in this issue.
The first idea is how to use a success list to stay more positive, motivated and enthusiastic regardless of what is going on in your life.
The second idea is a wonderful idea called ‘Gold Time’. This is a great way to look at how you spend your time so you get the best results possible in all areas of your life.
Have a great month and I’ll be in touch soon with some great ideas.
Kind regards
Kevin Hodges

PS: If you have any friends or colleagues who may be interested in some helpful ideas on how to manage their investment property more effectively I’d love to give them a free copy of my new guide called ‘The 7 Major Mistakes of property Investors and How to Avoid Them’. Just give me the contact details of your friend or colleague and I’ll get a copy of this guide out to them. (With my compliments.)