It’s Kevin Hodges here from Kevin Hodges Real Estate.
We seem to be surrounded by a lot of negative news in the media each week so I think we need some positive inspiration to balance this out and that’s why I’ve included a link to the first edition of the Good News Report.
This is only two pages long and has some great ideas that I am sure you will enjoy.
There’s a delightful story called ‘1,000 Marbles’ and some great strategies on how to live fully each day. There are also two wonderful cartoons to put a smile on your face.
I trust you find something of value and would love to hear what you found most useful.
Have a great month and I’ll be in touch with more useful ideas soon.
Kind regards
Kevin Hodges

PS: If you have any friends or colleagues who may be interested in some helpful ideas on how to manage their investment property more effectively I’d love to give them a free copy of my new guide. Just give me the contact details of your friend or colleague and I’ll get a copy of this guide out to them. (With my compliments.)