Spending substantial amounts of money is not always necessary. Often a clean and fresh, well maintained home where everything is in working order is all that is required. This will help attract the type of tenants that will keep it in the same condition. Presentation sets expectation! The lease requires a tenant to maintain and hand back the property in this condition once the tenancy has ended.
Pay attention to things like:
Making minor repairs
Such as replacing cracked floor or counter tiles, replace leaky washers, remove excessive picture hooks and freshen up paint work. Ensure all appliances, light bulbs and smoke alarm batteries are working.
Make it gleam
Have carpets professionally cleaned, wash windows inside and out, clean oil from driveways and carports/garages, bleach or replace mouldy grout or silicone.
Outside appeal
Mow lawns, weed and edge gardens beds, plant a few annuals or seedlings, trim hedges and bushes, re-paint deteriorated paintwork, remove rubbish from around the property and behind the shed, clean gutters, level out uneven pavers and make sure your house number is visible.
Make it modern
Replace aged or stained sets of curtains and change light fittings. You don’t need to spend much but a modern set of pre-made tab top curtains, or a simple glass dome light fitting can give your home a modern touch.