One of the most exciting testimonials comes from Brad.
When he started work at age sixteen, all he could find was some part-time work in stores.
Nevertheless, he started a savings plan and had $27.30 deducted each month from his pay and waited for it to grow.
In due course, he became a librarian for the local City Council, a job he has held now for many years.
Twelve years went by and by this time, his modest $27.30 had grown with some interest to just over $5,000.
Brad purchased a small home in Elizabeth Vale South Australia, in 1996 known locally as a “semi-detached” home, or more commonly a duplex.
Brad’s first purchase $54,450
In 2012 valued at $190,000
In November 2001, five years later, Brad purchased his first rent property. Again, a modest duplex. The rent returns were sufficient to pay all costs including the interest.

Brad’s first rental property purchased for $47,000 sold in 2006 for $115,000
Again, using no money of his own and borrowing against the equity built up over the past five years, this home also is cashflow positive. In other words the rental income paid for all costs
including interest on the loans.
Third property purchased in 2001 for $82,000.
Current value would be $210,000.

Fourth property purchased for $72,500
Sold in 2006 for $115,000.
I hope you have enjoyed reading Brad’s story! He is now looking at his next investment opportunity.
The story shows how a person on a modest income can create real wealth out of careful investing in property.
Sure, the prices were lower when he started, but everything is relative and the same opportunities exist today just as they always have!
Brad is happy for me to share his journey to encourage you to move ahead and create your own success story in property!