There Will Be Life After Holden
September 4, 2019
This headline in The Advertiser caught my eye. The report quoted Deloitte Access Economics’ quarterly update on the state of the Nation which finds SA is set to lag the national average for economic and job growth until 2017. But it also argues the likely impact of Holden’s exit from the state has been often exaggerated and SA’s economy is larger and more resilient than many realise.

“Let’s make one thing clear up front. Holden may crash, but SA won’t.” the report states. It further identifies agriculture and education as possible new growth industries and says the Olympic Dam expansion, put on ice in 2012, must go ahead at some stage.

It’s always great to have some good news and I believe this report and story reflect some good thinking concerning the future of our State! It’s a matter of being prudent and sticking at it as we go through the next few years.