Is it Urgent?
September 4, 2019
Urgent repairs are a hot topic as the definition often means one thing to a tenant and another to a property investor. An annoyance or irritation to the tenant, for example does not constitute an emergency.

The definition of what is an urgent or emergency repair is set out in legislation and mandates not only what constitutes an emergency repair situation but also, who is responsible for arranging and paying for the repair.

Emergency repairs can be broadly defined as pertaining to a situation which immediately affects a tenant’s standard of living or safety such as a blocked toilet, dangerous electrical fault, damage caused by storm, flood or fire, the failure of essential services and whether the issue is one which is life threatening.

Our emergency after-hours number is always attended for this reason.

When an emergency or urgent repair is referred to us, we will make an assessment as to whether the repair is urgent based upon the definition under The Act and will report it immediately to you with our recommendations and a request for your authorisation to appoint a contractor at that time.

Should we be unable to contact you, we are obliged to undertake emergency repairs in order to minimise risk of damage to the property and harm to third parties and their property and also to minimise your risk of compensation or other action being taken against you for the delay in affecting an urgent repair.